Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson ( Weekend Post)

I was reading this book called speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and I enjoyed it. It is a book about a teenage girl named Melinda Sordino. She went to theis party for her eighth grade summer and was raped by a senior boy named andy Evans. For her first year of high school she didnt want to speak to no one. She was hated by everyone in school because she called the police after she was raped. People didnt know that she was raped so they assumed that she wasnted to bust the party.Melinda steadily gets back her reputation during high school because people find out about the incident. I would recommend this book to people because it relates to many problems young teens could have. Give this book a 4/5 because although it is a good book it has no humor in it.